Bursary Award Recipients:

1993 - to date

Kirkbright-Steers Recipients

2022 - to date

2023/ Sundeep Vema/  A talk and presenting a poster at the 2024 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar, Ventura, USA.


Kirkbright Award recipients

2010 - 2021

2021/ Mattia Melosso/ University of Bologna, Italy/Prof. Cristina Puzzarini/ Visit the laboratory of Dr. Maria Eugenia Sanz, King's College, London.

2020 / Pietro Stobbia/ Duke University, USA/ Prof. Tuan Vo-Dinh/ Applied for Bioanalytical Sensors, Gordon research Conference 2020,

2019/ Jiangbin Zhang/ Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK/ Dr. Artem Bakulin/ Time-resolved spectroscopy conference, Aukland, New Zealand.

2018/ Yihui Hu/ China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing/ China/ Prof. Ya Ding/ Functional nanomaterials and luminescence probes for SERS and fluorescence/ Attend ICAFM'18, San Franciso, USA

2017/ Maria Sportelli/ National Research Council/ Italy/ Dr. Antonio Ancona/ ATR-IR biofilms/ Visit Analytical and Biochemical Chemistry, Ulm University, Germany

2016/ Jiangjiexing Wu/ Nanjing University/ China/ Professor Hui Wei/ Metal Nanoparticles/ Attend and present at a Gordon Conference, USA

2015/  (i) Elizabeth Kish/ CEA Saclay/ France/ Dr. B. Robert/ Carotenoid Protein Raman Spectroscopy/ Presentation at SciX 2015, Rhode Island, USA

     (ii) Yubin Ding/ Nanjing University/ China/ Professor Hui Wei/ / Supramolecular Photochemistry/ Faraday Discussion Meeting, UK

2014/ Jozef Lengyel/ Academy of Science of the Czech Republich, Prague/ Visit lab. of Professor Bernd Winter at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany  

2013/ (i)Alexander Gundlach-Graham/ Indiana University/ USA/ Professor Gary Hieftje/ ICP/ToF-MS/ Presentation at EWCPS Conference in Krakow, Poland

           (ii) Xue Shi,/ University of Louisville/ USA/ Professor Xiang Zhang, GC/ToF-MS/ Presentation at PittCon 2013, Philadelphia, USA

2012/ Jacob Shelley/ Purdue University/ USA/ Professor R. Graham Cooks/ MS/ Presentation at 2012 ASMS Conference, Vancouver, Canada  

2011/ (i)Ishan Barman/ MIT/ USA/ Dr. Ramachandra Dasari/ Raman & NIR Spectroscopy/ Presentation at FACSS 2011, Reno, USA

(ii) Matthew Schlumerich/ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/ USA/ Professor Rohit Bhargava, Raman Imaging/ Breast Imaging Course, Naples, florida, USA            

2010/ Michelle Meighan/ Arizona State University/ USA/ Dr. Mark Hayes/ Electrphoretic Separations/ Presentation at Microscale Bioseparations meeting, Prague, Czech Republic


2009/ Alexy Potapov/ Weizmann Institute of Science/ Israel/ Professor Daniella Goldfarb/ NMR/ Presentation at EUROMAR Congress, Goteborg, Sweden

2008/ (i) George Chan/ Indiana University/ USA/ Professor Gary Hieftje/ ICP-AES/ Presentation at Asia-Pacific Conference, Tsukuba, Japan

         (ii) Derek Wann, University of Edinburgh/ UK/ Professor David Rankin/ Gas-phase electron diffraction/ Visit GED labortory at University of Karrlsruhe, Germany

This website was not launched until 2017, the information below is more limited in detail

2007 Claudia Birch, ETH Zurich/ Switzerland/ Professor R. Zenobi

2006 Pierre Gusti  

2005 Paul Francis, Deakin University/Australia

2004  Amanda Haes, North-Western University/ USA/ Professor R Van Duyne

2003 Gerardo Gamez, Indiana University/USA/Professor Gary Hieftje/GD-OES/Prsentation at CSI XXXIII, Granada, Spain.

2002 Christy Hayes

2001 Rohit Bhargava

2000 (i) b.J. Hindson

(ii) Sandra Mounicou

1999 No Award presented this year. 

1998 No Award presented this year.

1997 Nicola Heron

1996 Carl Henson

1995 (i) Russell Lowe

         (ii) Melanie Button

1994 S. Wilson


Steers Bursary Award Recipients; 

 2020 - 2021:

2021/ Kevin Finch, Texas Tech. University, USA/ Prof. Gerardo Gamez/ Applied for CSI LXII, Spain

2020 / Howbeer Muhamid Ali, University of Liverpool, UK/ Prof. R. Goodacre / Applied for ICORS 2020, Rome, Italy

2020/ Thomas Roy Hopper, Imperial College, London, UK/ Dr. A. Bukelin/ Applied for 10th CMDS and visit to Argonne National Lab. and North Western Univ. Chicago